How to Get a Top Internet Web Site Ranking

These days it’s more important than ever to learn how to use theinternet to promote your business. Not only does it work if doneproperly, it is the most cost effective way of reaching a largeaudience.

One of the way to get loads of targeted unique visitors to yourweb site is to get a top internet web site ranking on a major searchengine. Of course, many people would like this but few people reallyknow how.

This article will explain the basic principles of how to get atop internet web site ranking.

When people use a search engine they generally use keyword phrasesthat describe the information they are seeking. People rarely knowyour company name (unless you’re company name is branded) and thereforethey won’t use that in their search.

The keyword phrases that people use are kept in databases. Forexample; Google Adwords is a great place to see just exactly howmany people on average use a specific keyword phrase when doinga search on Google.

Alternatively you could use a resource like Wordtrackerwhich will help you select powerful keyword phrases that get loadsof searches and don’t have much competition. This is really importantif you’re just starting out – to choose keyword phrases that havelittle or no competing web sites.

Then, once you have chosen relevant keyword phrases you need touse what is called “Search Engine Optimization” techniquesto get that top internet web site ranking you’re seeking.

There are 2 elements to SEO that are required. The first is “on-site”optimization and the other is “off-site” optimization.

On-site optimization is using your keyword phrases in the contentof your web pages. There are several rules to follow but here area few of the most important ones;

1. Make sure you have lots of textual content on your site

2. Use each keyword phrase several times within your web pages

3. Each web page should have its own unique keyword phrase

4. Make sure you use your keyword phrase in the <Title> tag

5. Name your page files the exact keyword phrase ie: keword-phrase.html

6. The more different keyword phrases you use, the more trafficyou will bring

Off-site optimization means having lots of other website linkingto yours. It’s kind of a voting system. The more websites that votefor your website, the higher your top internet web site rankingwill be.

It’s important to note that, when building incoming links, one-wayincoming links are better than reciprocal links or link exchanges.

Getting one-way incoming links is a matter of promoting your siteusing techniques such as article marketing or video marketing. Thenwhen people find your site, they will put a link to your site fromtheir web site if they think it is a good resource for information.

A top internet web site ranking takes some serious effort and knowhow. But, little by little you will start to see some amazing results.Search engine traffic is great traffic if it is targeted to yourweb site content. That’s why it’s important to use keyword phrasesthat are relevant to your content.

For more information on how to get a top internet web site rankingplease visit the Training Business Pros’ website and signup fora free business training.

Paul Tobey
StreetSmart Marketer