How to Turn a Request for a Discount to Your Advantage
When a prospect asks for a discount, what do you do?Many of us simply give it and accept a lower profit on the sale. This is fine if you have a clear reason for giving it. Perhaps you [...]
When a prospect asks for a discount, what do you do?Many of us simply give it and accept a lower profit on the sale. This is fine if you have a clear reason for giving it. Perhaps you [...]
I have been preaching for sometime that entrepreneurs need to take more time off rather than less. But how do you get started?Well for a start, try taking weekends off and spending time with your [...]
"My son, observe the postage stamp! Its usefulness depends upon its ability to stick to one thing until it gets there." - Josh Billings Many of us build web sites in the hope that they [...]
In the services industry, almost no one wants to specialize, because they are afraid of what they have to give up to do so.Jim Ruta - Expert Institute.comNetworking is the marketing tool of choice for [...]
As customers become more cautious and more skeptical, so does the need for great testimonials become more critical. Most of us have a few testimonials, but almost no one has a process for systematically going [...]
1. Make Sure Your Copy Is Read By Developing A Powerful Headline. I received a call the other day from a consultant, whose specialty is improving the performance of corporate websites. He told me he [...]
Most business owners, especially those with rapidly growing businesses have far too many tasks on their plates. How do they juggle all the priorities? It seems that the only way is to either delegate or [...]
It seems everyone I talk to says that it is getting harder to get responses from their marketing. Imagine having access to a marketing strategy so powerful, it could add tens or hundreds of thousands [...]
No one knows for sure if any marketing idea is going to work until they try it, yet many business owners get an idea and implement it. While taking action is an important contributor to success, this [...]
Many business owners worry about how to stay in touch with a growing customer base. They know when you build relationships, you build sales, but worry about the cost of person to person contact. One of the [...]